School is in session and we've come up with another coloring activity for the kids. We love this activity because it is great for making the back to school season more fun. 13 bookmark options you can choose from and the designs are adult friendly too! Follow the instructions below to start designing your very own bookmarks now.
1. View the bookmark pages here: 13 Printable Coloring Bookmarks. No download necessary!
2. Make note of which page numbers you would like to print and color.
3. Print your selected pages by clicking the printer icon on the top right. In the printer options, select the drop down "pages" and select "custom". Enter in the selected page numbers separated by commas.
4. Color your printed bookmark with crayons, markers or colored pencils. Glue the front and back images together so the bookmark is two sided.
5. Place it in a book and enjoy!
Tip: We recommend you print on card stock and laminate your design (instead of gluing it together).
Have fun! Please share your completed work on our FB or insta for the rest of UBfam to see your design!
Kim :)