Experts are telling us what we already know...that motherhood is stressful, sometimes VERY stressful.
The growing trend of the momcation is born of that stress and the need for mom to have a moment to herself. Generally a momcation is a vacation with other moms without their kids or significant others.
Consider it a more mature version of the "girls night out"
We already knew it was good for mom's well-being, but now experts are suggesting that momcations actually benefit the entire family.
Dr. Nava Silton, a professor of psychology says, "It's very important for kids to see that balance that ideally needs to be achieved in a family situation"
And believe it or not, some time away from mom might actually be good for the kids! In the same way that children behave better when mom's not around they also have an opportunity to take up more personal responsibility when she's gone too.
There's also no better time to bond with dad and many men report feeling increased closeness to their children after spending extended amounts of time alone with them.
The suggestion from psychologists is that a momcation should last for at least two days in order for mom to come back rejuvenated; and when it’s all said and done moms report coming back feeling more appreciative, more energized and more prepared to take on the challenges of family life.
So go ahead and take some time for yourself!